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Constraints Journal: Call for Papers
Special Issue on Abstraction and Automation in Constraint Modeling

Communicated by Alan Frisch



Alan Frisch, University of York, U.K.
Ian Miguel, University of St. Andrews, U.K.


Constraint Programming (CP) is a powerful technology that has been successfully used for tackling a wide range of real-life, complex applications. To solve a problem with CP it first needs to be modelled by a set of constraints that must be satisfied by any solution.
Because formulating such a model, and especially formulating one that is solvable in practice, is often difficult, CP technology is currently accessible to only a small number of experts. For CP to be more widely used by non-experts, more research effort is needed in order to ease the use of CP technology.

One way of improving usability is by extending CP technology to enable models to be formulated at a higher level of abstraction. For instance, support for set variables (variables whose domain values are sets) in many constraint languages and solvers has abstracted away from the low-level details of how the set variable is represented; the user no longer needs to know these details. However, variables that take certain other types of values, such as functions and relations, are not yet supported directly by constraint solvers. In this case, the abstract variable can be refined into a representation that comprises a set of more primitive variables and a collection of constraints among them. In order to avoid forcing the user to perform this step manually, automated refinement is a key goal.

Automation can also aid the modelling process by transforming a constraint model into one that can be solved more effectively.  Such transformations include adding implied constraints, adding symmetry-breaking constraints, adding constraints to exploit dominances in optimisation problems, removing propagation-redundant constraints and creating relaxed versions of the initial problem.

This special issue is devoted to the development and use of abstraction and automation facilities in constraint modelling.
We invite submissions from interested authors in this challenging and important area.
Topics of Interest include, but are not limited to:

Paper Submission

Researchers are invited to submit original papers that make a significant contribution to the field to (Note that the usual on-line submission procedure for the Constraints journal will not be followed initially for the Special Issue). All submissions should be in .pdf format and follow Constraints Journal guidelines. Papers of at most 30 journal pages are preferred.

When submitting, please use the subject "Constraints Special Issue Paper Submission" and clearly specify the e-mail address and phone number of the corresponding author. Receipt of papers will be acknowledged. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. All accepted papers will meet the usual high-quality standards of the Constraints Journal.

Authors intending to submit should send an expression of interest (including a provisional title, list of authors and a few sentences outlining the topic of the paper) to by May 1st, 2007.

Important Dates

Expression of interest: May 1st, 2007
Submission of papers: July 1st, 2007
Notification of acceptance: October 1st, 2007 Final versions of accepted papers: Dec 1st, 2007.
Expected publication of the special Issue: 2nd issue of 2008 (Apr 1st).

Important Links

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Fellowship Announcement
Kurt Gödel Centenary Prize Fellowship

Communicated by Kurt Gödel Society

The Kurt Gödel Society is proud to announce the commencement of the research fellowship prize program in honor and celebration of Kurt Gödel's 100th birthday.
 The research fellowship prize program sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation will offer: two Ph.D. (pre-doctoral) fellowships of $60,000 US per annum for two years two post-doctoral fellowships of $ 80,000 US per annum for two years one senior fellowship of $120,000 US per annum for one year

The purpose of the fellowship is to support original research in mathematical logic, “meta-mathematics,”  philosophy of mathematical logic, and the foundations of mathematics. This fellowship is to carry forward the legacy of Gödel, whose works exemplify deep insights and breakthrough discoveries in mathematical logic.

The selection will be made based upon an open, international competition. An international Board of Jurors chaired by Professor Harvey Friedman will oversee the process.  The finalist papers will be published in a special issue of a premier journal in mathematical logic. 

Goal and Criteria of Merit:

In pursuit of similar insights and discoveries, we adopt the following criteria of merit for evaluating Fellowship applications:
1. Intellectual merit, scientific rigor and originality of the submitted paper and work plan. The paper should combine visionary thinking with academic excellence.
2. Potential for significant contribution to basic foundational understanding of logic and the likelihood for opening  new, fruitful lines of inquiry.
3. Impact of the grant on the project and likelihood that the grant will make this new line of research possible.
4. The probability that the pursuit of this line of research is realistic and feasible for the applicant.
5. Qualifications of the applicants evaluated via CV and recommendation letters* (*recommendation letters are not required for senior applications).


Original fellowship proposals from all fields of mathematical logic  (such as Computability Theory, Model Theory, Proof Theory, Set Theory),
meta-mathematics, the philosophy of mathematics, and the foundations of mathematics insofar as the research has strong relevance or resemblance to the Gödelian insights and originality.

Preliminary Timeline

December 1, 2006. Announcement
June 15, 2007. Submissions deadline
October 2007. Jury decision due on papers to be published
December 15, 2007. Final versions due
January 2008. Jury decision on winners due
February 2008. Award Ceremony
Mar.-Sept.2008. Commencement of the Fellowships

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Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling, and Computation: Call for Papers
Application of Constraints to Formal Verification

Communicated by Miroslav Velev

We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the special issue of the Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation (JSAT) on the topic of  application of constraints to formal verification (CFV).
The submission deadline is January 10, 2007.
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
The submissions have to be in the JSAT format: and have to be e-mailed to:
If possible, please confirm your intent to submit a paper.
We look forward to your submission,
Miroslav Velev and Joao Marques-Silva
Editors of the special issue of JSAT on CFV

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Software Announcement
Bedwyr: A Proof Search Approach to Model Checking

Communicated by Alwen Tiu

Dear Colleagues,
we would like to announce the first release of Bedwyr, an extended logic programming language that allows model checking directly on syntactic expression possibly containing bindings.

Bedwyr allows simple and declarative executable specifications of operational semantics of various programming languages with bindings, type systems and process calculi, and also supports automatic reasoning for some simple properties about the specifications. The current distribution of Bedwyr contains a collection of examples involving pi-calculus, including:
Bedwyr makes use of a simple form of tabling to support proof search for inductive and co-inductive specifications (e.g., bisimulation checking for non-terminating processes).

You will find a general description of Bedwyr below this message. More details can be found on Bedwyr website

Bedwyr developers

A proof search approach to model checking

Bedwyr is a programming framework written in OCaml that facilitates natural and perspicuous presentations of rule oriented computations over syntactic expressions and that is capable of model checking based reasoning over such descriptions.
Bedwyr is in spirit a generalization of logic programming. However, it embodies two important recent observations about proof search:
  1. It is possible to formalize both finite success and finite failure in a sequent calculus; proof search in such a proof system can capture both may and must behavior in operational semantics specifications.
  2. Higher-order abstract syntax can be supported at a logical level by using term-level lambda-binders, the nabla-quantifier, higher-order pattern unification, and explicit substitutions; these features allow reasoning directly on expressions containing bound variables.
The distribution of Bedwyr includes illustrative applications to the finite pi-calculus (operational semantics, bisimulation, trace analyses and modal logics), the spi-calculus (operational semantics), value-passing CCS, the lambda-calculus, winning strategies for games, and various other model checking problems. These examples should also show the ease with which a new rule based system and particular questions about its properties can be be programmed in Bedwyr. Because of this characteristic, we believe that the system can be of use to people interested in the broad area of reasoning about computer systems.

The present distribution of Bedwyr has been developed by the following individuals:

   David Baelde & Dale Miller (INRIA & LIX/Ecole Polytechnique)
   Andrew Gacek & Gopalan Nadathur (University of Minneapolis)
   Alwen Tiu (Australian National University and NICTA).

In the spirit of an open source project, we welcome contributions in the form of example applications and also new features from others.

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Book Announcement
Handbook of Modal Logic

Communicated by Wiebe va der Hoek

Dear reader,

We are very pleased to inform you that the above book has now been published.  We hope that you will be as pleased with the final result as we are.

The book is also announced on Elsevier's website.  For more information, please go to:

Wiebe van der Hoek

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PostDoc and Ph.D. Positions
Action Languages and Answer Set Programming

Communicated by Torsten Schaub

Dear colleague,

the research unit for Systems Biology GoFORSYS offers interdisciplinary PostDoc and Ph.D. students positions, among others, in the area of  Action Languages and Answer Set Programming  for Modeling Biological Networks within the KRR group at the University of Potsdam.

The official job advertisement can be found at

For further information about these position please contact:

Prof. Torsten Schaub
Fon +49-331-977-3080/3081
Fax +49-331-977-3122

Please send your application to the address indicated on the website.

 Best regards, -torsten schaub

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Ph.D. Positions
Symbolic Computation at RISC-Linz

Communicated by Guenter Landsmann

Symbolic computation is the branch of mathematics and computer science which solves problems on symbolic objects representable on a computer.

RISC-Linz, the
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, is one of the world’s leading institutions for research and education in this new and promising area. RISC-Linz invites students for its well established Ph.D. program in symbolic computation. For excellent applicants we offer fellowships covering tuition and living expenses.

Applications for studies starting in October should be received by February 15.

For a description of application details and the RISC curriculum, see the web

The RISC Ph.D. Coordinator

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Software Announcement
QBF Certificates: "ozziKs" Now Available

Communicated by Marco Benedetti

When a quantified CSP (QCSP) is claimed to be TRUE by some solver, how can we verify that such answer is correct?

In a standard CSP, it is just a matter of checking (in polynomial time) the values assigned to the variables by the solver against each constraint in the CSP.

In the QCSP framework things are more complex: As a certificate we need a strategy. A strategy can be seen as a set of functions - one for each existentially quantified variable - yielding admissible values for existential variables as a function of some relevant subset of the universally quantified ones.

One such strategy is what we can actually check against the set of constraints to certify its validity.

Also, a strategy is a piece of information which is itself interesting (provided a "real-world" problem has been encoded into the underlying QCSP) as it provides an explicit scenario in which the validity of the quantified set of constraints is revealed.

For the case of quantified boolean constraints (QBFs), which we address here, strategies are also called simply certificates.

The software "ozziKs", whose public availability we publicise here, is the implementation of an algorithm that:builds a certificate of satisfiability C(F) - a.k.a. strategy or policy or quantified model - for any given true Quantified Boolean Formula F for which a suited inference log is available (at present, only the QBF solver sKizzo produces a suited log); verifies C(F) against F, thus certifying in a solver-independent way the validity of F;evaluates user-provided expressions of various kinds over C(F); writes to file in different formats C(F) and/or the result of the evaluation of the above mentioned expressions.

A detailed user manual is available here. Linux, OS-X, and cygwin versions are available for download at

Marco Benedetti, PhD
Research Associate
LIFO - University of Orleans
BP 6759 - 45067 Orleans (France)
Tel: +33 (0)2 38 49 47 96
Fax: +33 (0)2 38 41 71 37

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Information & Computation: Call for Papers
Structural Operational Semantics

Communicated by Rob van Glabbeek


Structural operational semantics (SOS) provides a framework for giving operational semantics to programming and specification languages. A growing number of programming languages from commercial and academic spheres have been given usable semantic descriptions by means of structural operational semantics. Because of its intuitive appeal and flexibility, structural operational semantics has found considerable application in the study of the semantics of concurrent processes. Moreover, it is becoming a viable alternative to denotational semantics in the static analysis of programs, and in proving compiler correctness.

Recently, structural operational semantics has been successfully applied as a formal tool to establish results that hold for classes of process description languages. This has allowed for the generalisation of well-known results in the field of process algebra, and for the development of a meta-theory for process calculi based on the realization that many of the results in this field only depend upon general semantic properties of language constructs.

This special issue aims at documenting state-of-the-art research, new developments and directions for future investigation in the field of structural operational semantics. Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Papers reporting on applications of SOS to software engineering and other areas of computer science are welcome.

This special issue is an outgrowth of the series of SOS workshops, which started in 2004, and serves in part as a opportunity to publish the full versions of the best papers presented at SOS 2006. However, papers that were not presented at SOS 2006 are equally welcome, and all submissions will be refereed and subjected to the same quality criteria, meeting the standards of Information and Computation.

Papers submitted to the special issue must contain original material that has not previously been published, and parallel submission for publication elsewhere is not allowed. However, an extended abstract or short version of the paper may be submitted for presentation at the SOS 2007 workshop, which will take place before the publication of the special issue.


We solicit unpublished papers reporting on original research on the general theme of SOS.  Papers should take the form of a dvi, postscript or pdf file. We recommend following Elsevier's instructions at
and using LaTeX2e with documentclass elsart.


CONTACT and submission address:

EDITORS of this special issue:

     Rob van Glabbeek
     National ICT Australia
     Locked Bag 6016
     University of New South Wales
     Sydney, NSW 1466

     Peter D. Mosses
     Department of Computer Science
     Swansea University
     Singleton Park
     Swansea SA2 8PP
     United Kingdom

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Software Announcement
Web Interfaces for the ECCE and LOGEN Specializers

Communicated by Michael Leuschel

We would like to announce the availability of web interfaces for two logic program specialization tools: Ecce and Logen.

Ecce is an automatic online program specialiser for pure Prolog programs (with built-ins). It takes a pure Prolog program and a query of interest and then specialises the program for that particular query.

LOGEN is an offline partial evaluation system for (almost) full Prolog written using the so called "cogen approach". Basically, the cogen is a system which:
  1. based upon an annotated version of the program to be specialised produces a specialised partial evaluator for that program. This partial evaluator is called a generating extension
  2. the generating extension can be used to specialise the program in a very efficient manner.
The web interfaces for both of these tools are available via:
The web interfaces allow one to use those systems without installation on a local machine. They also provide an intuitive access to the various command-line options. In the case of Logen a graphical way to annotate the source programs is provided. Both web interfaces were developed within the EU-funded project ASAP (a web interface to all of ASAP tools, containing analysis and slicing tools can be found at

A brief overview of these tools and their web interfaces can be found here:

The choice on which tool to use depends on the particular application.
Ecce is a fully automatic online specialiser. It is hence easier to use by inexperienced users, but more difficult to tweak in case specialisation does not proceed as desired. Ecce uses more refined control techniques and can perform conjunctive partial deduction and slicing, which Logen cannot. Because of the additional annotation phase, Logen is more difficult to master by inexperienced users, but the outcome of the specialisation is easier to tweak and predict. The specialisation phase of Logen is very efficient, with very little overhead compared to ordinary evaluation. Logen can deal with almost full Prolog, whereas Ecce only deals with declarative Prolog programs. The latter restricts the range of programs to which Ecce can be applied, but it also allows Ecce to perform more powerful optimisations.

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Book Announcement
Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism

Communicated by M.H. Sorensen & P. Urzyczyn

  Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism
  Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, 149
  by Morten Heine Sorensen, Pawel Urzyczyn
  ISBN: 0-444-52077-5, 456 pages

This is an entirely rewritten book version of the
 DIKU lecture notes published online in 1998. The  book gives an intruduction to various topics  related to the formulas-as-types analogy, in particular:
The book contains a large number of exercises, many of these accompanied with extensive hints and solutions.

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PostDoc Position

Communicated by Jean-Pierre Talpin

The Espresso team at INRIA-Rennes (Brittany, France) is seeking for a post-doctorate to work on the modular verification and validation of GALS software architectures in avionics.

The Espresso team ( develops Polychrony, an embedded software design tool based on a synchronous multi-clocked model of computation.

The topic of the post-doctorate is the verification globally asynchronous and locally synchronous software architectures within the open-source design workbench Topcased (
More specifically, the post-doctorate program is interested in the design and implementation of verification techniques, using synchronous and asynchronous model-checkers, for the modular verification and validation of globally asynchronous and locally synchronous software architectures.

The performance of model-checkers used and tools designed in the frame of the program will be assessed by case studies such as a flight guidance system. The post-doctorate will carry out the definition and implementation of verification functionalities in the forthcomming Eclipse plugin of the Polychrony tool, developped by the team.
Preference will be given to candidates with a background, doctorate study and research interests in the area of formal methods, verification and model-checking, and interest in model-driven engineering for embedded systems.

The position provides an opportunity to join a large research institute and engage in research on formal methods for embedded software engineering in collaboration with an important academic and industrial consortium.
The selected post-doctorate candidate will be appointed as expert engineer for an initial and renewable period of 18 monthes. As expert engineer, the post-doctorate will receive a competitive monthly salary of 2750=80 including social coverages.

Applications, including a vitae, references and a brief description of research interests should be sent in reply of the present e-mail.

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Awards Announcement
Automated Reasoning Challenge

Communicated by Geoff Sutcliffe

The MPTP $100 Challenges are sets of classical first-order reasoning problems, expressed in the TPTP language, to be proved by fully automated reasoning systems, within specified reasonable resource constraints. The challenge problems are based on the Mizar Mathematical Library. The goal of the MPTP challenges is to boost the development of automated theorem proving and artificial intelligence methods and tools for reasoning in large theories that involve large numbers of consistently used concepts. Details of the challenges, including instructions for entering, are available at ...

The winners of the MPTP challenges will be announced at CADE-21, and will each receive $100 in real US dollars ... who says there's no money in ATP! Results on the challenge problems, for publicly available systems, are on the web page.
If your browser is up to it, the interactive interface is fun to use :-)


Josef (Urban) and Geoff

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Software Announcement
ECLiPSe now Open Source and under MPL

Communicated by Joachim Schimpf

The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System has recently been open-sourced by its current owner Cisco Systems, and is available under the terms of an MPL (Mozilla Public Licence) equivalent.

For those not so familiar with licensing terms, this means essentially:
We hope that this step will encourage the wider use of ECLiPSe in both the academic and commercial world.  The new setup will give us better flexibility to work with contributors from the user base, integrating more of the interesting work that is being done with ECLiPSe, and making it available to a wider community. Cisco itself is going to continue contributing to maintenance and development, and so is the other current commercial user, CrossCore Optimization.

The first open-source release is labelled ECLiPSe 5.10 and can be downloaded from either or from
The official source repository now also resides on the Sourceforge site.


The ECLiPSe Team

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Constraint: Call for Papers
Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics

Communicated by Alessandro Dal Palù


Bioinformatics   is   a   challenging   and   fast  growing  area  of research,  which  is  of  utmost  importance  for  our  understanding of   life.   Major  contributions  to  this  discipline  can  provide significant  benefits  in  medicine,  agriculture,  and  industry. To pick  out  only  a  few  examples,  Bioinformatics  tackles  problems related to:
Recently,  these  problems  have  been  formalized  and studied using constraints  (often  over  finite  domains  or  intervals  of reals). Biology  is  a  source  of  extremely interesting and computationally expensive  tasks,  that  can  be  encoded  exploiting the application of  recent  and  more  general  techniques of constraint programming.

As  evidence  of  this  trend,  various  workshops  (Constraints  and Bioinformatics/Biocomputing   at  CP97,  CP98  and  Constraint  based methods  for  Bioinformatics  at  ICLP2005  and CP2006) witnessed the interest  and  the  importance  of research in the topic and moreover presented  new  developments  of  constraint  technology  (see, e.g., details in

We   believe  that  is  valuable  to  gather  papers  addressing  the application  of constraints to biological problems. With this special issue,  we  desire to reflect the state of the art of this field, and thus  we seek for papers that report new ideas, advances and results. The  submission  of  papers  is  opened to anyone who developed ideas and/or  obtained  results  in  the  bioinformatics area making use of constraint programming.


Researchers  are  invited  to submit original or survey papers to all the   editors   (addresses   below).  The  editors  would  appreciate receiving  a  tentative  short  abstract  (may  be  partial)  at  the beginning  of  January. In the first email, please specify the title, keywords,  abstract  and  the  author's  email  addresses. Receipt of submissions  will be acknowledged. All final submissions should be in .pdf  format,  and  must adhere to the Constraints Journal guidelines (Note   that   the   usual   on-line  submission  procedure  for  the Constraints  Journal  will  not be followed initially for the Special Issue)

We  expect  papers  no longer than 25 pages, but this is not a strict constraint.  Submissions  will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. All  accepted  papers  will  meet the usual high-quality standards of the Constraints Journal.


Abstract Submission: January 10th, 2007
Submission Deadline: January 31st, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: April 30th, 2007
Final Version of Accepted Papers: June 30th, 2007


  Alessandro Dal Palu', Parma University, Italy.
         Email alessandro.dalpalu AT

  Agostino Dovier, Udine University, Italy.
         Email dovier AT

  Sebastian Will, Freiburg University, Germany.
         Email will AT
